Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Buisness as Usual

The hill in the distance is the cliff from which the scapegoat was thrown on the day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) in temple times. it was brought by an "eesh eatee," ("the man of the hour") from the temple to this location ten miles east of Jerusalem. He would be accompanied on his mission by the leaders and most honored members of the nation. As they went on their way through one of the most inhospitible deserts in the world, they would stop at several huts along the way where the man of the hour could eat or drink. Tradition tells us that he would always die within that coming year.
There is the eater, and the eatee.

I just got back from the beis midarsh here in the Old City. After the prayer we sit around the table with the Stretner Rebbe, Rav Avraham Brandvine, four or five of us, eating and talking. Today was the Yahrziet (anniversary of the passing) of our friend, Mayim Chayim David Hillel ben Shraga Feivel, known as David Herzberg. He was a great presence, one of the funniest people I have ever known, a great scholar with a great power of innovative Torah teachings. He took care of his friends, (found two jobs for me personally), and was ready for a fight with his detractors. When he led the services at the Kotel his face would burn in holy fire, like the High priest coming out of the Holy of Holies, an awesome, fearsome angel of Hashem Tsvaos (.the Lord of Hosts).

In the street, he greeted everyone, made jokes with everyone, always charged with humor and life. May his memory be for a blessing.

Rav Brandvine said that we are suffering deaths in vain, “korbonot shav”, the Israelis publicize that they are reaching this target and achieving that goal, but the bombs still fly. It is not worth it any more. Too much senseless killing. There will be a cease-fire agreement and the Hizbollah will proclaim a victory.

(the rest is not necessarily the views of Rav Brandvine) Then Olmert and his buddies will say, “we have shown that we are tough with the arabs, now lets get together on the “convergence,” and get tough with the Jews.” His plan is to go ahead and bash in his own people again in the interests of peace. But it will not bring peace, because the Arabs then have another front from which to launch attacks from.

Soon it will be Rosh Hashanah, and we will cry out to God with all of our strength, “Teshuva (return to God’s way), Tefillah (Prayer), and Tsedakah (charity) will take away the harsh decree.”


At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't quit, surrender

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didnt know you wrote such nice things on David. If you have some more pictures from this place in male edomim can you send me some.
bye Sarah


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