Going Home
"Why don't you live in Israel?"
(long pause)
"The Ribono SHel Oloam has different plans for everybody."
"Fields, springs, streets bathed in golden light, big hearted men selling vegetables in the Shuk, sweet and tough uzi-totting girls in uniform chit-chatting with each other, spaced out baal teshuvas with a hint of a fanatic glint in their eye smiling and walking to the kotel, Wizend old men with their canes making their way through the lanes of mea She'arim, self-righteous liberals peering at you from behind the wheel or their status-jeeps, sanctimonious Shas-niks walking fast in the street with their black hats tipped down so as to look serious, sun-baked kotel beggers half-crazed and dancing in ancient ruins, and harder to see, real, normal people (who could be one and the same with the BT and the liberal and the Shas-nik) living and working to support their families, real people who would put their lives on the line for you if the call to action sounds ..."
"And you shall drive out (the inhabitants of) the land (the seven Cana'anite nations) and dwell there, for I have given the land to you, in order to inherit it." (Numbers, 33:53)
"In my opinion, this is a positive commandment, God commands them to live in the land and inherit (or take possession of) it, for it was given to them. They shall not despise the inheitence of God. And it shall not occur to them to go and conquer the lands of Shinar, or Asshur or any other land (such as USA, or Europe, or Australia, or South Africa), and to live there. He who does so violates a positive commandment." HaRav Moshe ben Nachman. (Ramban).
Just go, and it will all work out.
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