Thursday, August 02, 2007

Looking in the Mirror

As I drove Rav Scheinberger Shlit"a back from Reb Dovid Zeller Zts"ls funeral he told me a story that caused me to reflect, or not to, as the case may be.
Reb Velvel is an elderly Chassid, a "Kotel man" who has been seen for many years exercising the rare privelege of walking back and forth during the prayer services at the western wall collecting charity from the Jews there davening. He is small, hunched over, pushing a hundred and still friendly. One day, not so long ago, Reb Velvel was walking around at the kotel and fell, getting his face dirty. His grandson, who was accompanying him, found a pocket mirror that some daveners use to check that their "shel rosh" (Head Phylactary) is in the proper position, not relying on the right hand middle finger which does not lie. When Reb Velvel looked in the mirror, he burst out into laughter. "What's so funny?" His grandson and some other concerned congregants asked him. "HA! Since I was ten years old I have never looked in a mirror! It was just so funny to see how I looked."
I asked Rav Sheinberger how this could be. He said that some people are quite serious at a young age, and when they learn a law, they do it, because that is the whole point of the law.
Well, Rav Sheinberger taught me a law, or stricture, as it appers to me, and since that ride back from the funeral, I havn't looked in a mirror without laughing a little inside while remembering this story.


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